Grupo Axé Capoeira

History of Grupo Axé Capoeira
Grupo Axé Capoeira began in Recife, Brazil in 1982. Today, with academies in over 26 countries throughout the world, the Group continues to rise as one of the world’s leading Capoeira organizations. Backed by worldwide releases of 10+ music albums on CD, the release of instructional DVDs through Panther Productions as well as countless DVDs documenting their major capoeira events, enrollment continues to steadily rise. The group travels around the world. They promote Brazilian culture, music, and dance as well as compete in Capoeira competitions and fight professionally in the MMA ring to help prove capoeira to be an effective modern fighting art form. Axé Capoeira trains multiple professional fighters in MMA circles that reach as high as Bellator and soon, The UFC.
Axé Capoeira is working hard to ensure that Capoeira has a strong future. By researching, traveling, and participating in events, we continually increase our knowledge and contribute to the evolution of Capoeira as both an art form and a viable profession. Our goal is for Capoeira to be placed among the most widely practiced and respected martial art forms in the world.
Locally, Contra Mestre Bambu is determined to bring Americans in capoeira into a more respected light by producing talented well-rounded capoeiristas versed in all aspects of Brazilian culture.
Philosophy & Methodology
The philosophy of Grupo Axé Capoeira is to respect all the Mestres, preserve the roots and traditions of Capoeira, and train Capoeira in all its aspects: as a fight, art, and culture. We endeavor to teach and educate so that capoeira will grow in a positive healthy way. Thru our classes, we pass on to the student both physical and mental methods of training so they learn to create situations and maintain a dialogue within the game. By playing both with friends and enemies, students learn to deal with any situation in or out of the roda. In North America, we not only teach movements but the Brazilian language and customs as well. This way, the students will have a full understanding of the culture, which is necessary to become true capoeiristas.
Graduation System